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Foote Cross Country

Our whole-child physical education program integrates mind, body, and heart. 

K–9 P.E. Program

On our ropes course, on our two innovative playgrounds, on our interscholastic teams, students develop flexibility, resilience, and courage—physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

Students on high ropes course

Spotlight: Outdoor Education

P.E. classes often find creative ways to use the outdoor spaces: the challenge course offers learning opportunities from ice-breakers and problem-solving challenges on the ground-based elements to the physical challenges of the high ropes course.

Middle School Sports

Every student in grades 6—9 has the opportunity to play on an interscholastic team. Sports are optional, but around 75 percent of Middle School students participate in at least one sport. Our program stresses sportsmanship, skill building, perseverance, self confidence and teamwork. Our focus is on participation and cooperation; all team members have regular opportunities for playing time.

Foote Athletic Director Carrie Boyce
From Athletic Director Carrie Boyce:

“Students discover more about each other and about themselves as they conquer new challenges — sometimes in teams and sometimes as individuals. The problem-solving, leadership, communication, and accountability skills that our students develop becomes transformative.”

Check out our teams and schedules!