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Performing Arts

Fully present, truly seen.

It’s the experience of being inspired by the people around you—their wit, their generosity, their ingenuity.

Foote chorus
Foote Summer Theater Performance
music class at Foote
Summer theater performance
Foote students playing steel pans
Foote summer theater meeting
Foote music class

In my previous school, there wasn’t really a theater program. So when I came here and I saw everyone who loved to do it just as much as I did, it made me so happy. Middle School student

Drama Curriculum

Foote's K–9 drama program utilizes our blackbox theater to develop creativity and collaboration skills by giving students opportunities to improvise and act on stage, write plays, and to run the lights, work the soundboard and other technical skills. 

Music Curriculum

In music classes, children experience the pleasure of singing, playing instruments, and dancing by participating in active music-making experiences.