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Foote artwork

It’s the experience of being inspired by the people around you—their wit, their generosity, their ingenuity.

Students in every grade take classes related to visual art, drama and music. They are encouraged to express themselves creatively — as individuals and together — while gaining an understanding of the beauty and range of the human experience. Students draw inspiration for their own creations by studying the works of great artists, playwrights and composers. Many Foote alumni have gone on to fulfilling careers in the arts as visual artists, actors, musicians, and composers.

Visual Arts

The robust visual arts program at Foote has been a signature experience from the very beginning. Art classes incorporate a variety of media encouraging creative expression, and instilling a lifelong appreciation for art. 

oaxacan artwork

Spotlight: Oaxacan Artwork

In conjunction with their classroom studies, sixth-grade artists painted endangered species and adorned them with patterns inspired by Mexican folk art carvings.

Learn more about the visual arts at Foote

Performing Arts

The K–9 music drama curricula give our students courage and confidence as they explore vocal, instrumental, public speaking, improvisation, performance, and theater tech opportunities.

Ninth grade theater

Spotlight: Ninth Grade Play

Ninth grade is the culmination of the students’ theatrical studies at Foote. As a class, they select a play they would like to perform, and every student in the grade participates in the production of a play, either on-stage or behind the scenes — or both.

Learn more about the performing arts at Foote