Social Emotional Learning
Every aspect of Foote School’s program is designed to support children’s social and emotional growth, beginning with close and trusting relationships between teachers and students. Our classrooms are inclusive spaces where students feel accepted for who they are and comfortable taking risks that unlock their creativity and stretch them academically.
The lower grades emphasize play, independence, learning to listen and respecting others’ ideas. The Middle School program helps students understand themselves and learn about self-advocacy, responsible decision-making, healthy relationships and how to persevere through challenges. A full-time school counselor works with individuals, small groups and classes on projects related to identity, inclusion and friendship, and is available to support Foote children and families through difficulties.
The school’s character initiative, Falco’s PRIDE (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Dependability, Empathy), serves as a foundation for classroom conversations, school-wide assemblies and discussions about community expectations, friendship and doing one’s best. Teachers model respect and inclusion by treating every student’s questions with seriousness and respect. Children learn to take ownership of these values, using them to guide their own interactions and as a lens to view literary characters, historical figures and world events.
Kindergarten: Persona Dolls
Windows and Mirrors
Persona dolls are used to teach the children social skills, explore conflict, solve problems and develop empathy for others. The storytelling reinforces the children’s identities in the classroom and exposes them to difference — “windows and mirrors” that allow children to see themselves and others reflected in their daily learning.
Across the Curriculum: RULER
Inspiring Ideas
Developed at Yale’s Center for Emotional Intelligence, RULER is “a systemic approach to social and emotional learning (SEL).” Though RULER's practices and principles have been in use at Foote for many years, the faculty RULER Committee is taking note of individual initiatives, and sharing these best practices with fellow faculty through a monthly newsletter. Each issue contains tips, ideas for activities, highlights from other schools and institutions, and Foote faculty spotlights, featuring stand-out RULER practices that they hope might inspire others.
“We hope that this will keep SEL alive, because you do it every single day, and it can be integrated into anything,”—RULER Committee co-leader and Third Grade Teacher Emily Henick
Family Resources
Kossouth Bradford ’87
School Counselor
Kossouth provides social-emotional counseling to students around academic, social and family issues. He is a leader in school diversity initiatives and co-advises the student club F-STAND (Foote Students Together Against Negativity and Discrimination). Kossouth is a licensed clinical social worker and maintains a private clinical practice working with children, adults and families.
Tiana Williams-McCray
School Counselor
Tiana is a familiar face at Foote, where for 10 years she was head of the kindergarten After School Program. Most recently, Tiana was part of the Integrated Wellness Group, where — as a clinician, behavioral health consultant, consultation manager and community programs manager — she worked with the New Haven Board of Education and other city employees, as well as veterans, at-risk youth, Head Start, and individuals in need of counseling services.