Making Connections, En Français

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Making Connections, En Français

The best way to learn a language is to use it in real conversations, preferably with a native speaker. For language learners, that can be nerve-wracking, sometimes confusing and, ultimately, exhilarating.

Students in Catherine Freeman's French classes have been practicing conversational skills by making virtual connections via Zoom with native French speakers. On October 8, 8th graders had the opportunity to speak with Trinity College anthropologist Dr. Leslie Desmangles, a world expert on Haitian culture. His presentation concluded the students' research on their first francophone country. "I was so proud of all my students for being respectful and asking great questions," Catherine says.

Separately, two 9th grade French students connected with Madame Stegelitz, who is Catherine's mother. "The students introduced themselves in French—their ages, where they are from, their families and hobbies—and asked Madame Stegelitz about her life in France," says Catherine, adding that favorite French foods were also discussed. The students prepared for the interview by learning and practicing the Je me présente  French vocabulary and conjugation. They also did a class project on introducing themselves and asking questions about others.

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