Here We Go!

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Here We Go!

Dear Lower School Students,

By now you have likely heard about starting distance learning after spring vacation. The teachers and I are very excited to connect with you and share the lessons and activities that will bring us together. I want to share a few things you can think about with your family as we plan for our distance learning adventures.

1. Identify a learning space. Your bedroom, kitchen, basement or playroom don't need to look like a classroom, but what are the things you need to get your school work done? A desk in your bedroom, a space set aside at the dining table, or a folding table are all options that can work.

2. Pick a wake-up time and bedtime. Even thought you won't be making the trip to campus each day it is important to wake up at the same time each day and eat a healthy breakfast. Likewise, it is important to go to bed at a reasonable hour so that you are well rested. School days are still school days and weekends are the perfect time to sleep in just like the weeks when you come to Foote campus for school.

3. Schedule recess and reading time each day. Recess, snack time and reading time are all still important times of your day. Plan for a 30-minute recess, like you have on campus, at some point in the morning, take a snack break, and carve out 20 minutes for silent reading or to read with someone in your home at some point in the day (even if it is before bedtime). 

4. Think of one new thing to share with a grown-up in your home each day. Distance learning may look different than a regular school day on campus, but there is still a lot of cool stuff you can share with your grown-ups at home. Try and think of a stumper question to ask them at dinner or before bedtime. Maybe you want to have everyone share a favorite part of the day.

I can't wait to hear more about your favorite parts of distance learning or how excited you are about the ways you will get to learn with your teachers and classmates.

I hope you have a wonder-filled last weekend of break!

Mrs. Khachane

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    Since 1916, The Foote School has provided child-centered education that nurtures creativity, excellence and joy in learning.